Pitta Diet Chart

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Pitta is balanced by a diet of fresh whole foods both cooked and raw that are cooling hearty energizing comparatively dry and high in carbohydrates.

Pitta diet chart. Pitta dosha individuals must prefer cool food items as well as liquids. Ayurveda recommends that pitta types favor sweet bitter and astringent tastes over sour salty and pungent tastes. A pitta diet may help individuals of this type to regain health and fully exhibit the positive qualities associated with pitta. Principles food list and meal plan the interesting thing about managing such dual dosha types and dual doshas are very common is that the foods which pacify the one may aggravate the other and this was already mentioned in the post about vata kapha diet.

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations for vata pitta type individuals follow a common sense approach requiring small changes to your food choices and eating habits. If you are of a pitta constitution or else have a strong pitta imbalance then here is a chart that will help you to decide which food types to consume and which ones to avoid. Apples berries melons and similarly naturally sweet fruits should play a greater role in the diet of a. Due to the fact that an excessive amount of pitta dosha overheats the body and mind individuals with pitta dosha need to follow a proper diet plan of the food items to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The pitta body type is a medium more muscular build. Pitta is the biological energy that is manifested from the fire and water elements. Pitta body type meal plan ayurvedic medicine considers your diet to be the best way to keep your body type in balance and fight disease and aging. Sweets aren t universally bad for your health.

Food items and diet plan for pitta prakriti people. A pitta dosha diet should focus on sweet astringent and bitter tastes. These foods calm pitta by decreasing internal heat preventing inflammation balancing the digestive fire grounding the body and by absorbing excess liquid and oil. Since sour pungent and salty tastes increase pitta those should be reduced.

It is hot sharp and spreading by nature and therefore any increase in this dosha will promote similar qualities in the body and mind. These help balance the fiery qualities of pitta. Chronic imbalance in pitta can actually harm longevity and lead to accelerated aging. You simply need to eat the right ones.

If you are a pitta type and have secondary vata in your constitution written as. Vata 2 pitta 3 kapha 1 you should only follow this chart if your vata is out of balance. How to keep the pitta dosha balanced pitta dosha diet. Pitta diet tastes to favor.

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Source : pinterest.com